Cleaning the list in Internet Doanload Manager


As all know IDM - Internet Download Manager improves your download rate !! They generally releases new version within 30 days so hardly it expires. A fresh setup gives 30 day more to work !! One drawback persists in Demo, Its not possible to delete the Downloaded files list in display. heres what a solution is
Close IDM.
Visit the Following Registry :
MY computer/HKCU/Software/Download manager

Clean up the folders with Number 1,2,3 ...

restart your IDM... Bingo!!! List is clean !!

This Tip was discovered by: Abhishek D

Accessing Internet on PC without Hardisk


This trick helped me keep up with my work even when my harddisk had crashed. Using Ubuntu 8.10 ( Hardy Heron) Live CD; Select the option "Try Ubuntu without installing on computer".

If you have a broadband connection; just plugin the LAN connector and start browsing the internet. For storage purposes ( for files for later use ) you can use and USB media like PenDrive/ FlashDrive.

If you have cablenet or LAN net, you can configure the connection and start using the internet. You will hav to do this everytime you boot th machine in this case. So better hiberinate the machine, it will reduce the reconfiguring stuff to great extent.

This is a great idea when you dont have much resources and have an important work to accomplish.

Quick Wordpress Upgrade


This is what I did to upgrade one of my blogs that had Wordpress 2.3 and had to upgrade it quickly to 2.6.1, Ive found this as the quickest manual upgrade method.

1-> Login to your cPanel and Using File Manager, Create a new folder "BackupFolder" in Home directory. Now browse to the directory public_html , or the appropriate directory if using addon domain, subdomain or directory....

2-> Copy the folder wp-content and file wp-config.php to the folder that we just created ie. "BackupFolder". Also get a backup of your Wordpress data base using phpMyAdmin.

3-> Now delete all the wordpress folders and files and upload the latest version of Wordpress. You can also upload just the zipped folder and extract it through the File Manager and further copy the files to appropriate directory.

4-> Once the files are uploaded and are in place, Rename the wp-config-sample.php to wp-config and copy the database details from the wp-config.php that we saved in "BackupFolder" to the new wp-config.php file. If you are upgrading from version 2.5 or bellow, you will also have to put the api keys which you will get by visiting the link given in the new wp-config.php file. Save the changes to new Config file.

5-> Replace the wp-content folder from the directory with the old wp-content folder that we had copied to "BackupFolder".

6-> Now open your site... and everything must be working great. But theres a bit more to be done. Now visit your Admin panel ie. http://Your Domain Path/wp-admin
This will give you a messege saying your database is old upgrade it... Simply press the UPGRADE button and access your admin panel.

Bingo!! Everythings working great.

Stumblehere Free Classifieds


Classified Advertising is the best and economic advertising medium for small and home based buisnesses where advertisments budget is very less. Stumblehere is such an US based free classified advertising site. You can buy, sell or trade your products throut Stumblehere for free of cost. It doesnt only offers the classifieds for whole of the US but also segragates the classifieds state vice and this has been the best of its features.Stumblehere allows you to post classifieds of almost every category right from toys, resumes, jobs, forums, games and a lot lot more. You can search classifieds belonging to your state saving you lot of time of going through all the classifieds. This feature also helps the sellers to evaluate the exposure to the products region wise and so on....  There are various other features like catergorization which eases the navigation through classifieds, contests, referals, etc. But the most catching of all is the collection of online games. Games provided are from various categories like arcade, action, racing, casino, etc. these games are Bordem busters as the site terms them. You can allso keep the track of latest ads added to the classifieds. Besides all these features for FREE, this site is very very user friendly.

Bye bye dual boot


Say Bye bye to dual boot. How?? Well the first option, is you have RAM more then 1GB, using VM ware would be one choice but for crazy freaks like me, who want it real !!!

Well I have always been using two operating systems ( WinXP and Linux Fedora ) on my desktop. I have always been of an opinion that dual boot might not be a healthy option for your HDD. So this is what I did to encounter this problem.

I managed an extra Hard drive of decent capacity ( 10 GB in my case ) and this was targetted for installing Linux. I kept both drives as Master, one as primary and other as secondary. Whenever I need to switch the OS, just get into the BIOS while booting and select the appropriate HARD DISK (not the logical volume).

This has alsways been my choice.... just thought of sharing it with you.

Shutdown Your WinXP System in a Hurry

If you need to shut down in a hurry-or if a frozen application prevents you from shutting down in the normal ways-you can use the following procedure. Be aware, however, that you won't get an opportunity to save open documents in this case. To perform an emergency shutdown, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to display Task Manager. Open the Shut down menu and hold down the Ctrl key as you click the Turn Off command. Poof! If your computer is part of a domain, the procedure is similar. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and then hold down Ctrl when you click Shut Down. In this situation, you'll get a warning message pointing out-quite correctly-that this should be used only as a last resort.

Windows XP setup commands


These options are used with the Windows XP setup WINNT32.EXE program and change the way Windows can be installed.
/checkupgradeonly Check the existing OS for compatibility with XP (but does not install)

/cmd:command_line Executes command after GUI mode of setup completes, but before the reboot.

/cmdcons Show the Recovery Console option to repair a failed installation.

/copydir:folder Creates a subdirectory named "folder" below the XP directory

/copysource:folder Copies source files to local directory "folder"

/debug[level][:filename] Write a debug log to filename for warning levels. Level 0=severe errors, 1=errors, 2=warnings, 3=information, 4=detailed info for debugging. Default level is 2, and default filename is winnt32.log in the default Windows directory.

/dudisable Disable dynamic update, so only the original setup files are used.

/makelocalsource Copy all setup and installation files to the hard disk to run the installation from the hard disk rather than the CD (if CD is having problems during install).

/noreboot Do not automatically reboot after installation completes copying the files.

/s Stick out tongueath Specify the location of the Windows XP source files, such as a network path

/syspart :drive_letter Copies temporary files to specified drive, make the drive active, and run from that drive.

/tempdrive :drive_letter Drive location of temporary files

/udf:ID[,UDF_file] Specify the settings file (uniqueness database) for use during an unattended installation

/unattend Unattended installation. The /s option to specify the location of the source files must be used

Changing router password


Login to the Modem \ Router,
Your Modem IP is for lan \ ethernet users (put into IE or FIREFOX URL bar)
for USB users type in URL bar
login by admin user name and admin password , [ by default it is admin ]
to change the username or password
and search for the "Change Password" Option there!
after it reboot the modem .

Displaying legal notice at Windows startup


You can displaying a legal notice at system start up.

heres How to do it "
Start -->RUN ---> REGEDIT

Then traverse the registry

then Edit these

"LegalNoticeCaption"="Enter your notice caption "
"LegalNoticeText"="Enter your legal notice text "

Works well with Windows XP SP2

Pinning Programs to the Start Menu in Windows Vista


You can add programs that appear on the top of the Start Menu. These entries always remain there and remain above recently opened programs.

  • Right click on the program you want to pin.
  • Select Pin to Start Menu.

Changing the Desktop Icon Size in Windows Vista

By default, the icons on the desktop are quite large. To change the size of the icons;
Right click on the Desktop
Select View
Set it to Classic Icons

You can also hold down the Control key while the desktop is displayed. Use the wheel mouse to make the icons larger or smaller, this gives more control

Converting a FAT Partition to NTFS


In order to convert a FAT partition to NTFS, perform the following steps.

  1. START -> RUN -> type cmd ; this will open the command prompt.
  2. Now in the command prompt, type CONVERT [driveletter]: /FS:NTFS
CONVERT.exe will try and convert the FAT partition to NTFS. Though the probability of data loss or data corruption is minimal, it is always better to backup your data before performing this conversion.